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Why Performance Marketing Managers Are Vital in Digital Advertising

  Advances in technology are driving a change in healthcare that marks the digital age. Integrating the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient values, Evidence-Based Medicine is developing to leverage digital tools and data-driven techniques. The advantages of evidence-based medicine, how technology is changing it, and the possibilities and difficulties this digital revolution presents for healthcare are examined in this essay. Evidence-based medicine  is the deliberate, intentional, explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individualistic tools, data analytics, and evidence-based practice. In nations all across, digital technologies are enabling better access to and outcomes from health care. During the  epidemic, when situations needed creative means to provide health services and information, the vital importance of digital tools  has notably been clear. Through basic  messaging and interactive voice re...

Brazilians in the US: Understanding the Migration Surge

Yo, what's good? Let's get this party started!

 The big increase of refugees from Syria and the always high arrivals across the Mediterranean Sea since 2011 have like totally added to a sense of emergency taking hold of public and policy responses to migration into the EU. They totally hyped up the idea of, like, a major exodus happening from Sub Saharan Africa to Europe64.The vibe of urgency suggests that migration is like, seen as a total unexpected issue to be solved instead of, like, a natural part of globalization and development. Our analysis of drivers in chapter 3 be like describing the lit forces that have shaped world migrations since the 1980s, fam. These forces be creating the preconditions for migration and be determining emigration potential from each country, ya know? Yo, like, in addition, the vibes between countries and, like, the presence of diasporas, they lowkey help us predict that the migration flow will, like, mostly follow the same old patterns between countries, you know?

OMG, like in Chapter 3, it's so clear that there's, like, a major gap between what people say they're gonna do, how they get ready, and what actually happens when they migrate. Yo, peeps might wanna dip for various reasons, but there's a bunch of factors that can determine if they can bounce or not. Among these factors are their economic vibes (job status and cash flow), personal ones (being hitched or having kiddos) and social ones (having connections or fam abroad). Yo, like, there's also these structural things, you know? Like, policies in the countries where peeps are from and where they wanna go can totally impact their ability to migrate and shape their migration plans, you feel me? They can, like, choose different channels and routes and stuff. Theories that say internal migration, like moving to the city, is like the first step before going international or long distance, are still kinda controversial but might make sense when it comes to climate disasters and stuff. Yo, like, empirical evidence is all like, "Yo, check it out, fam! When a bunch of low- middle income peeps move from the countryside to the city, it's mad common for informal settlements to pop up, ya feel me?" Especially when it comes to mega-cities and big cities in the developing world, informal settlements or slums are like, super lacking in basic stuff, have like no money, barely any social security, and are usually built in places that flood or have landslides. All these factors could totally contribute in boosting the vibe to dip and migrate for better opportunities elsewhere, ya know?

The mad influx of asylum seekers to Europe is totally connected to some major geopolitical stuff: the lit war in Syria and the straight-up chaos in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


In particular, the destabilisation of Libya has like totally opened a new 'gate' to like channel migratory flows, ending in the past in Libya, but now heading further north towards Europe, ya know? These events don't really mean anything different for the basic things that caused people to move around the world before and will probably keep affecting it in the future.
Migrations of the past, like from Europe to the Americas and to Australasia in the 19th century, and from Northern Africa to Europe in the 20th century, have been influenced by the same mix of people and money factors and rules that now define more recent migration flows from Eastern to Western Europe and within Africa (Natale, Migali, and Münz 2018).
The analysis of such drivers lowkey makes us interpret migration as part of more fundamental structural demographic and economic processes which lowkey play a central role in globalisation and development, rather than only seeing through lens that emphasizes the emergency aspect dictated by recent events. Finally, like, in the most vulnerable low and lower middle income countries, we're gonna see more droughts, heat waves, floods, and sea level rise in the next few decades. It's gonna be wild! The tea is, just 'cause more peeps and cash money gonna be dealing with climate disasters, doesn't mean they gonna automatically dip and migrate.


Yo, like, environmental stuff, climate change, and, like, slow- and fast-onset natural disasters are factors that could totally drive migration flows, ya know? But like, besides the whole sea level rises and permanent flooding thing, it's lowkey hard to find a legit, direct connection between the two, ya know? Trying to figure out how changes in the environment might affect migration is like, super hard. Yo, like, environmental conditions be changing and stuff, and that leads to all these slow- and fast-onset natural hazards. And let me tell ya, different population categories be responding in all sorts of ways.
Anyways, this chapter totally analyzed the most lit climate and socioeconomic projections to flex a bunch of possible trends. Both the lit review and our findings flex a few mad patterned regularities. Like, for real, natural hazards that are all fast and short are mostly about people getting kicked out of their homes for a bit, like when there's a big flood. Slow-onset and hella persistent climate driven disasters are like way more linked to short distance and circular migration vibes. 


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