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Why Performance Marketing Managers Are Vital in Digital Advertising

  Advances in technology are driving a change in healthcare that marks the digital age. Integrating the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient values, Evidence-Based Medicine is developing to leverage digital tools and data-driven techniques. The advantages of evidence-based medicine, how technology is changing it, and the possibilities and difficulties this digital revolution presents for healthcare are examined in this essay. Evidence-based medicine  is the deliberate, intentional, explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individualistic tools, data analytics, and evidence-based practice. In nations all across, digital technologies are enabling better access to and outcomes from health care. During the  epidemic, when situations needed creative means to provide health services and information, the vital importance of digital tools  has notably been clear. Through basic  messaging and interactive voice re...

Exploring the U.S. State with the Most Brazilian Inhabitants

OMG, in dis context, the gov of Fernando Henrique Cardoso was like, lit af and got inaugurated in 1995. 

 They were totally flexing on the economic stabilization achieved with the Real Plan in the previous administration. OMG, like the economic policy of Brazil is totally slaying it! It's all about credibility and prestige, you know? Gotta make that external insertion happen, yasss! Presidential diplomacy became like super valuable to flex with industrialized countries – including the US – and an instrument to help solidify Mercosur, plus deepening ties with South America. The Cardoso admin was all about trying to vibe with the US, you know? A lit agenda turned into a chill interaction between the presidents of the two countries as the passing of the Intellectual Property Law by the Brazilian Congress solved the most serious beef of the previous years.

Anyway, the vibes in the economic-commercial scene, combined with the whole unsure vibe about the international order after the Cold War, like, totally showed that the whole getting closer thing between the two countries had its limits, you know? OMG, like from the American POV, Brazil trying to be all neo-liberal and stuff, following what Washington wants and preaching it for all of Latin America, was such a letdown. In the political and international security fields, the new era of uni-polarity, which totally flexed the US world leadership, brought to the fore a reality that, instead of opening new opps, totally cramped the margin of maneuver for Brazilian diplomacy. These questions will be like, totally dissected in more detail in the third part of this dissertation, fam. This phase starts with Lula's gov in 2002 closely associated with the idea of change and a positive vibe in the convo with the US. OMG, like obvi, the external priorities set by America since 9/11 totally had an impact on the vibes with Brazil. The vibe of change in the bilateral link became way less lit than both countries expected, tbh. At the start, instead of offering support in the global fight against terror, Brazil was like, "Nah, let's focus on battling poverty worldwide." They made it clear that they weren't really down to get involved in the whole anti-terrorist thing led by Washington. Brazil's irrelevance in the strategic design sketched by the Bush administration and widely spread in 2002 seemed to be like, "Who even cares?" It's like Latin America as a whole was just like, "Meh," in the face of the new demands from Washington.

OMG, like the Lula government totally got handed this agenda and they were like, "Let's make some changes, y'all!" 

They wanted to give it a positive vibe and be all practical about it, you know? The main tea was to flex how sus the alarm was about a leftist leader, like, the Washington establishment was so biased thinking anti-Americanism would be all the vibes in Brasilia. Like, Lula's government was all about flexing and showing that his vibe wouldn't be all radical and stuff, you know? The business community was shook and questioning their values and all that. Yo, so like, the government of the Workers' Party was gonna like, totally revive the convo between the Planalto Palace and the White House. They wanted to make sure the top officials from both countries could chat non-stop, and also find common ground in the economy, politics, and even security, you know? Yo, during this period, the differences between the two countries when it comes to world politics were like, hella intense. And they got even more intense when the United States was like, "Yo, we gotta prioritize some global stuff after 9/11, ya know?" In, like, trying to do its own thing – and like, kinda being different – Brazil was all about flexing on multilateralism to handle security and international politics crises. Its foreign policy also got hella interested in expanding the political convo with other intermediate powers like South Africa and India and with world powers like China and Russia.
Eventually, like, during the first and second Lula administrations, Brasilia and Washington were totally vibing on the regional agenda, especially when democratic institutions were dealing with sketchy situations. But, like, there were also some major differences that were, like, totally obvious, ya know? Like, the Honduras episode in 2009 was a whole different vibe. As we'll peep later, convergent and dissonant vibes popped up in security and world politics questions. 

OMG, like inter-State relations got hella complicated, but the inter-societal connections were totally expanded, you know? 

The flex of democracy in Brazil from the 90s on led to the hella strong rise of non-gov organizations and movements that are all about protecting human rights and the environment. Yo, one of the consequences of Lula's election in 2003 was the mad increase in the political clout of the causes supported by these groups in society and the government.In December 1989, the whole East-West drama was like, totally crumbling. Détente and the chill vibes in Easter European countries were like, speeding up, and presidents Bush and Gorbachev were all like, "Yo, the Cold War is over!" They announced it in Malta, and then there was this Conference of Security and Cooperation in Europe, which basically led to the Warsaw Pact being, like, dissolved and stuff. OMG, like the Start-I and II agreements (1991 and 1993) were lit! They totally brought down the military parities and made the American and Russian nuclear arsenals way smaller. It was such a major flex! These negotiations were like, totally lit with the expectation of some fresh commitments in the field of disarmament.OMG, as the world said "peace out" to bi-polarity, a bunch of lit events went down in the post-Cold War era. During 1990 Germany was like, totally re-unified, the end of apartheid in South Africa was announced and Iraq straight up invaded Kuwait. The vibes of being the only one left standing


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