Like a major glow down in the flex of economic or any other vibe over the vibe of cultural clout.
Like, lemme break it down for ya. The way migrants' economic situation affects their cultural status can totally lead to social dominance (which is, like, not cool), tyranny, and oppression in other areas like citizenship, ya know? OMG, like when migrants have to choose between their cultural vibes and getting that bread, it puts them at a major L and their citizen status gets hella shaky. A migrant in a tough spot is, like, first and foremost a citizen who's supposed to flex their citizenship rights, ya know? A migrant with vulnerability has the same vibes as every other citizen of a particular country has, ya know? The recognition of people's cultural cap has a direct vibe on their membership in a state or community to be gained through citizenship, ya know?
It's like when someone gets mad props for all their cool stuff, like their education and career achievements.
Using the recog and protecc principle, I've explored the two main benefits of my suggested framework. First, the vibe of recognition and protection and the idea of equality of cultural clout help us achieve the sickest possible end result in terms of distributive justice. The principle like totally says that migrants have the right to flex their cultural capital, you know? But there might be other rights that are all about recognizing and protecting their cultural capital, you feel me? I call this 'flexing cultural clout' and vibe with a shared mission of achieving lit ideas of social and distributive justice principles. OMG to get the tea on cultural capital, I came up with this idea of equality based on the vibes I got from distributive justice – a theory of justice that Michael Walzer talks about in his book, Spheres of Justice. It's lit! I see this idea of equality as 'equality of clout'. The principle, and like, equality of cultural capital is all about saying that migrant farm workers as minority peeps have the same rights of recognition of cultural capital as members of the majority, ya know? Second, my framework is all about closing the gap between ethnic minority and the white majority squads. By 'equality of cultural capital' I don't mean like Walzer's basic equality vibes where everyone has the same advantage or good. In like, basic equality, equal distribution of a good is all about being fair and stuff. It's called a 'just distribution' when it meets the wants and needs of different peeps in every way. By contrast, my equality model is all about that Walzer's complex equality model which like, totally refuses to admit the existence of one big rule of distribution, like money, in people's lives. It's all about being complex and stuff, you know?
Walzer's complex equality notion is, like, totally different from the simple equality idea, ya know?
It's all about how it connects equality and distributive justice based on, like, a whole new vibe. diversity of distro criteria to flex in many diff spheres of distro. OMG this relationship is, like, totally a vibe of simple equality, ya know? It's all about how equality is, like, a key part of justice. #JusticeForAll OMG, the basic distrib condition is like attached to simple equality cuz it's all about this one big aspect in peeps' lives that like everything else can be reduced to. So lit! Just like, there are some basic rules for fair distribution of stuff, ya know? (Walzer, 1983).
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