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Strategic Insights Business Recovery in the USA and Canada

If media reports are to be believed, Canadians look to be a particularly unhappy lot right now. The recent bout of inflation and interest rate rises appear to have precipitated a specific phase of economic suffering that has spilled over into personal lives, and that misery appears to be uniform across demographic and socioeconomic categories. According to one survey, financial troubles, inflation, and high interest rates are having an impact on Canadians' mental health, driving concern about housing and food.  Millennials, particularly those who own a home, appear to be the most vulnerable to economic downturns as interest rates rise on tight debt burdens and economic damage wreaks havoc on the economy and expectations. Burdened by debt and rising housing expenses, three-in-ten Canadians are "struggling" to make ends meet, with mortgage holders reporting trouble meeting housing bills up 11% from last June. If you have a place to live, you struggle to pay your bills, and

How to Create a Strong Brand Identity in the US Market

Rushing into war without stopping for recruiting or preparation can be rather risky. Think of the massacre carried out by Cohter. Hold a match under a lens and focus the sun's rays to ignite it. If you suddenly jerked the lens back and forth, you wouldn't expect the match to light. Stop, and the lens gathers the heat. Unless you stop to gather the force that comes by a second or two of concentration, your ideas will not set fire to the brains of your hearers. Rarely are maple trees and gas wells tapped continuously; when a stronger flow is desired, a pause is taken, allowing nature time to gather her reserve forces; when the tree or the well is reopened, a stronger flow follows. Apply the same mental common sense. If you would make a particularly powerful thought, stop just before it is expressed, focus your mind-energies, and then give it representation fresh vitality. Carlyle said, "Speak not, I passionately entreat thee, until thy thought has silently matured itself." Out of stillness comes thy power. Silence is golden; speech is silvern; silence is human; speech is heavenly. after riding on it several hours. If you try to listen to a clock-tick that is so far away you can.

One has heard silence as the father of speech

It should be. Too many of our public addresses include no fathers. They ruck along without stopping or breaks. They run on endlessly, much as Tennyson's brook. Little children, the police officer on the street, the family gathering around the table, and observe how many pauses they naturally employ; they are ignorant of effects. We toss most of our natural means of expression to the wind when we arrive before an audience, and we aim after synthetic results. Return to nature's ways and stop here.All the universe is in motion, Herbert Spencer remarked. It is thus—and all perfect motion is rhythm. Rhythm consists in part in repose. Rest comes after action all around nature. Day and night; spring, summer, autumn, winter; a time of rest between breaths; an instant of total rest between heart beats. Stop and let your audience rest their attention-powers. After such stillness, everything you say will then have much greater impact. Although it rarely affects a seasoned city dweller, the noise of a passing car will wake your country cousins when they arrive in town. His attention-power has gotten deadened by the constant traffic. In one who visits the city but hardly often, attention-value is adamant. To him the noise follows a long silence; hence, its strength. To you, city inhabitant, there is no pause; so, the low attention-value results. Unless the train should stop momentarily and restart, you will grow so used to its roar that it will lose its attention-value 

The focus of your audience will behave somewhat similarly

Understanding this law, get ready by stopping. Let me say again: the idea that follows a pause is far more lively than if no stop had ever taken place. What is told to you on a night will not have the same impact on your thinking as if it had been spoken in the morning when the gap of sleep had recently awakened your consciousness. The first page of the Bible tells us that even the Creative Energy of God rested on the "seventh day." You could be confident, then, that the feeble finite mind of your audience will also need rest. See the natural world, learn her rules, and follow them in your speech.If you know the story ahead of time, a novel may seem to lack much of appeal. As to the result, we enjoy to remain wondering. One of women's powers to hold the other sex is her capacity for suspense. When the circus acrobat fails deliberately in multiple efforts to accomplish a feat, he applies this idea and ultimately succeeds. We prefer to be kept waiting; even the careful way he arranges the preliminaries raises our expectation. "Polly of the Circus," the last act of the drama, features a circus scene in which a small dog executes a backward somersault on the rear of a racing pony. One night he hesitated and had to be encouraged and worked with a long time before he would execute his feat; he received far more praise than when he executed his trick at once. We value what we wait for in addition to like waiting for. Should fish bites be excessive, the sport soon loses its appeal.

This similar suspenseful idea keeps you in a Sherlock 

Holmes story you wait to see how the mystery is resolved, and if it is solved too soon you toss down the story incomplete. "Make 'em laugh; make 'em weep; make 'em wait." Wilkie Collins's prescription for fiction writing also fits public speaking. Above all, make them wait; if they will not do that, you may be sure they will neither laugh or cry. For an experienced speaker, pause is therefore a useful tool to create and sustain suspense. "It was my privilege to hear," Mr. Bryan once said in a speech; he paused, the audience wondering for a second whom it was his privilege to hear; he paused once more; we knew a little more about the man he had heard, but still wondered to which evangelist he referred; then he concluded: "Dwight L. Moody." Mr. Bryan stopped once more and said, "I came to regard him," here he stopped once more and kept the audience in a little suspenseful moment as to how he had regarded Mr. Moody, then continuedas the greatest preacher of his day." Let the dashes show pauses; then, we have the following. hardly hear it, you will notice that occasionally you are unable to discern it, but in a few moments the sound becomes clear once again. Whether or not you want your mind to stop for rest, it will pause.


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