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Why Performance Marketing Managers Are Vital in Digital Advertising

  Advances in technology are driving a change in healthcare that marks the digital age. Integrating the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient values, Evidence-Based Medicine is developing to leverage digital tools and data-driven techniques. The advantages of evidence-based medicine, how technology is changing it, and the possibilities and difficulties this digital revolution presents for healthcare are examined in this essay. Evidence-based medicine  is the deliberate, intentional, explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individualistic tools, data analytics, and evidence-based practice. In nations all across, digital technologies are enabling better access to and outcomes from health care. During the  epidemic, when situations needed creative means to provide health services and information, the vital importance of digital tools  has notably been clear. Through basic  messaging and interactive voice re...

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There are some criticisms surrounding this conceptualization of the feminization of labor. Take, for instance, the assumed connection between women's involvement in the workforce and the increasing instability, which may not be accurate. It is possible that the increase in women's participation in the workforce and the rise of informal and non-standard employment occurred simultaneously. The original framework for feminization of labor also neglects to incorporate the distinction between paid (market) and unpaid (non-market) work in its analysis. The increased participation of women in the labor force has undeniably contributed to a greater supply of female labor in market activities. Nevertheless, there are notable differences in the conditions under which men and women provided labor. The ongoing responsibilities of childcare and other unpaid activities can significantly limit the labor market opportunities for women. 

In these circumstances, part-time, self-employed, or work-from-home opportunities may be the most suitable choices for earning a living. 

Given the current state of labor markets, it is clear that women's low-wage employment has increased due to the limited availability of high-quality job opportunities for women (Vosko, 2002; Elson, 1996). According to Vosko (2002), rather than witnessing a decline in labor market segmentation due to the substitution of women's labor for men's, we would actually observe the continued presence of segmentation, particularly in various employment sectors. 
According to this alternative explanation of the observed trends, women's labor force participation does not play a major role in the increase of informalization and casualization. On the other hand, various economic factors, such as macroeconomic policies and development strategies, played a role in both the increase in job insecurity and the growth of women's participation in the labor force. In a subsequent publication, Standing (1999b) further developed the arguments he initially presented in his 1989 article. Accessible to women. The dynamics of gender roles and relationships within households have a significant influence on the disparities between men and women in the labor market. Nevertheless, the original feminization framework fails to acknowledge these limitations.

The feminization of poverty

We should strive for a more comprehensive comprehension of these matters in order to gain a deeper insight into the root causes of the increasing prevalence of unstable jobs for individuals of all genders. Given the nature of informal and non-standard employment, which often involves low and unstable earnings, the significant shifts in global employment are expected to have a profound and enduring effect on work patterns, average living standards, and the risk of poverty. However, reconsidering the feminization of labor is just one aspect of the narrative. The relationship between employment, gender dynamics, and poverty is intricate and necessitates a fresh analysis of the phenomenon known as the "feminization" of poverty. There is a growing concern about the increasing number of women who are living in poverty, often referred to as the "feminization of poverty." Given the prevailing gender disparities in earnings, opportunities, and assets, it is logical to expect that women would be more susceptible to poverty. Female-headed households are a specific area of interest within the feminization of poverty approach. Due to the economic challenges that women face, households led by females tend to have a higher poverty rate compared to households led by males. Nevertheless, the factors that contribute to the risks of poverty for women are multifaceted (Chant, 2003; Razavi, 1999). This is particularly relevant for households where women are the primary earners or in charge of the household. Table 8a demonstrates this point by displaying income poverty rates for different types of households in Ghana. Households are categorized into two groups: those who primarily earn income from informal employment and those who primarily earn income from formal employment.

The evidence supporting the broad applicability of the feminization of poverty argument is not particularly strong. 

Various studies have indicated that there is no definitive link between female headship and poverty rates (Chant, 2003; Marcoux, 1998; Quisumbing, et al., 1995). There could be several factors contributing to this phenomenon. Female-headed households can exhibit a wide range of characteristics and the paths to female headship can vary greatly (Razavi, 1999). Thus, the level and nature of disadvantage experienced by female-headed households can vary. When discussing women's poverty risk, it is more relevant to consider specific types of households led by women, such as families with children that are solely supported by a woman (Folbre, 1991). Additionally, it is important to consider the dynamics within a household.As an illustration, in certain situations, women in households led by females may encounter fewer limitations in the job market and have greater influence over their income from employment compared to other households (Chant, 2003). Women can enhance their well-being by leaving male-headed households, such as by escaping domestic violence. The types of employment available to women, and to other earners in the household, are crucial in determining the likelihood of experiencing income or consumption poverty. 


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