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Why Performance Marketing Managers Are Vital in Digital Advertising

  Advances in technology are driving a change in healthcare that marks the digital age. Integrating the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient values, Evidence-Based Medicine is developing to leverage digital tools and data-driven techniques. The advantages of evidence-based medicine, how technology is changing it, and the possibilities and difficulties this digital revolution presents for healthcare are examined in this essay. Evidence-based medicine  is the deliberate, intentional, explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individualistic tools, data analytics, and evidence-based practice. In nations all across, digital technologies are enabling better access to and outcomes from health care. During the  epidemic, when situations needed creative means to provide health services and information, the vital importance of digital tools  has notably been clear. Through basic  messaging and interactive voice re...

How to Become a Successful Media Buyer in the USA

There are more and more companies realize the importance of content marketing. Google introduces a research project, Zero Moment of Truth in 2011 (Lecinski, 2014). It investigates the way customers search for information, how information influence consumer behavior and what decisions they made about brands. It discovers that consumers search through double the amount of content online that resulting in purchasing decision compared to previous year. the number of contents viewed by average consumers goes up from five pieces to ten 

In the trend of content marketing, organizations must ensure they have effective content marketing practices or else they will be eliminated by consumers. Besides, user-generated content encourage users to engage in crowdsourcing, contribute ideas to brands and provides useful information to other users (Neiburger, 2010) Consumers refer to online products reviews during buying process because they believe in what other existing 

consumers think of the brands. Thus marketers begin to learn how online reviews are generated. Many brands make an effort in stimulating more users to interact with each other and subscribe to one another for the purpose of collecting more reviews to the website (Goes, Mingfeng & Ching-man Au, 2014). Another advantage of content marketing strategy is giving companies an opportunity to position their products. Positioning is based on firm’s reputation in the market and its quality of goods and services. Marketers create and publish effective 

Content which can help them to reinforce

company’s positioning. Who would have ever guessed that the future of marketing is, in fact, not marketing at all, but publishing (Gagnon, 2014). Customers will not be satisfied with exaggeration or marketing gimmicks. Appropriate, valuable and rich content is needed to trigger purchasing behavior and influence buying habits.Brands will now accomplish their marketing goals, not mainly through interruptive media, but by creating and distributing the 

most valuable information on the planet for that particular niche. Content marketing has been introduced long time ago, however not many organizations engage in it back then. Nevertheless, it is becoming the new trend in marketing world lately due to the shift in consumer behaviors and technological aspects. Customers realize the power of knowledge and information can lead to better purchasing decisions. Thus they start to demand for more 

information. Moreover, they are getting smarter and smarter so marketers have no choice but to produce accurate and great contents because manipulation of information does not work in this digital age. A few features need to be taken into consideration to achieve effective content marketing. The significance of localization in message raises the success rate of reaching target audience. Using one single message globally is risky due to the cultural differences 

Customers expectation varies

Next, it is better to have contents personalized because consumers demand for individualistic. They wish to feel special and respected as individuals. Customers are more likely to form deeper relationships with a brand when the message is personalized and contains strong emotions. On the other hand, it is best if contents are prepared in diversified routines: hire out, partner up and use voice. Different ways of conveying message can gain the interest of 

audience. Cooperation between marketers and customers in generating information makes the contents fun and trustworthy. Consumers believe that user-generated contents are far more trustable because they are not paid to spread positive word of mouth about certain brands. Lastly, it is crucial for firms to be ethical and honest with public. Public hates to be deceived and manipulated. Hence, content marketers must make sure that the contents are 

real and transparent to build trust and maintain customer loyalty. Marketing trend is evolving in a way that publishing is replacing marketingThe digital revolution is currently transforming entire industries and the overall competitive landscape. Established business models are challenged by changing customer expectations and behaviors, as well as new and rapidly growing market entrants with disruptive digital business ideas (Verhoef et al., 2019). A 

Representative example for these

changing market dynamics includes, for instance, digital streaming services, which redefined customers' way of listening to music and watching movies (e.g., Spotify or Netflix). Another example is sharing ventures, which grant access to products and services without requiring formal ownership (e.g., Uber or Airbnb). Significant challenges are also observable inside of firms, as digital technologies change the way products are produced and the way employees 

work and collaborate (Schwarzmüller, Brosi, Duman, & Welpe, 2018). In order to keep up with the development and remain successful, firms need to adjust and respond to these changing realities. The term ‘digital transformation,’ which Verhoef et al. (2019) define as ‘a change in how a firm employs digital technologies, to develop a new digital business model that helps  

create and appropriate more value for the firm’ (p.1), reflects and emphasizes the implications at the firm-level.1 For top managers, who are considered as firms' key decision-makers (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996; Hambrick & Mason, 1984), the digital transformation means an altered decision-making context and unprecedented challenges. In fact, given the novelty of the digital transformation, top managers cannot rely on proven approaches, requiring them to assess the firm's situation comprehensively in order to develop tailored responses. Despite 


the decisive role of top managers for strategic decisionmaking in firms and the growing awareness regarding the digital transformation in practice, our empirical understanding of top managers' role therein is very limited. The role of top managers in corporate environments has mainly been discussed within upper echelons theory (Hambrick & Mason, 1984) or strategic leadership research (Finkelstein, Hambrick, & Cannella, 2009). Even though a large volume of studies has contributed toward a comprehensive understanding of top managers' 

role in and influence on firms, only very few studies in this research area addressed digital aspects. Nevertheless, extant studies provide initial indications pointing toward the leading position that top managers assume in firms' digital transformation processes. In fact, prior research found significant relationships between top managers and firms'commitment to the status quo (Hambrick, Geletkanycz, & Fredrickson, 1993) and corporate strategic change 

(Wiersema & Bantel, 1992). Besides, scholars suggest that top managers play a crucial role in firms' innovation efforts (Damanpour, 1991; Smith & Tushman, 2005; Wrede & Dauth, 2020). We assume that all these aspects represent critical elements in the digital transformation, too. Given the growing prevalence of digitalization in the public debate as well as the growing pressure for firms to adjust to changing market conditions, it is essential to


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