Our study starts with an inductive approach. First we will start to define the theory we will use. Due to this inductive guidance we will choose which part of the theory we will follow in order to conduct our empirical study. This empirical study will also allow us to determine whether the theory used is still valid, or if some parts of it have evolved. However according to the collection of the data (see part 2.3), my approach turns into a deductive one. Indeed, thanks
to the empirical findings, by comparison to the theoretical framework defined, we try to update the theory. They will lead us to our results, which will be highly access and based on these different experiences and facts that we found4 . The nature of the study is explorative and it is a qualitative case study. The qualitative approach was chosen according to the fact that newentrepreneurs suffer from lack of time. They want, when reading some papers, to reach
immediately the main issues and findings. The case study approach is a major feature of business and management education. A case study is normally a written description of an organisation and includes a general business situation or may focus on a specific aspect of organisational activity. A case study details events and circumstances, including the historical context, external and internal environment, such as its organisational structure
All data and ideas into one vast network
of the scale of complexity hitherto unimaginable. Our civilization's common interface has developed from years of growth. This is the unity that permeates our lives to such degree that it becomes absolutely essential for our identity. Then that massive framework offers a fresh perspective of thinking and "a new mind" (Kelly, 2017, p. 404). Digital change defi nitely
becomes inevitable and results in the specific technium - the current system of culture and technology that accelerates a development of new, impossible objects while creating new approaches of social behavior. Computers and other digital developments make advantage of our cognitive capacity to comprehend and modify our surroundings. They are letting us enter
fresh ground and surpass prior restrictions (Brynjolfsson, McAfee, 2014, p. 6). It results in the change from traditional digitalization methods to increasingly multidimensional forms and tools of adaption of individual digital technologies and their combinations. Stronger technological, humanistic, psychological, or moral penetration so shows and drives a need to
Redefine present operations The consequent
convergence produces bipolarity of observed events: dehumanization of business and humanization of technologies. Human – to – Human (H2H), Machine – to – Machine (M2M), as well as Human to – Machine (H2M) and Machine – to – Human, which are a hybrid solution, could be assumed that their dynamics will lead to gradual entropy enabling more
unifi ed separation of space of interaction at four equivalent levels. A blurred line separating what usually belongs to a human from what is a sign of technology will intensify an already evident requirement to view the market in a whole. Omnipresence of interactions with technology will become an aspect of civilization infrastructure.New technology, new rivals,
new capabilities, new rules, new quality concerns that need to be handled, personalized and contextualized, so enabling brands to change their present market orientation. The multitude of media and related channels emphasizes the requirement of constantly and uninterruptedly processing messages and inputs. With this kind of approach, the upgrading linked with digital technologies becomes a natural component of marketing and lets several market players join
In a simpler and more natural method than
ever before. By means of chatbots, businesses and brands can enable consumers to become more involved and satisfied while intensifying their varied feelings and experiences. In the framework of an algorithmic economy, they grow smarter and more cognitive.With specific attention on their function in the process of Human – to - Machine contacts, the aim of the paper is to find possibilities related with using chatbots in marketing. Part One addresses the
most significant obstacles that the evolution of digital technology presents to businesses or brands, usually imposing reconfiguration of their present practice and redefining of the shaped market intelligence. The next section offers the definition and core of chatbots as well as their application in marketing. One of the components of started research on the directions
and dynamics of the development of the Digital Society (in its individual dimensions – a model of interaction between a man and technology) is conducted discussion on the impact of digital technologies (the Internet of Things and Artifi cial Intelligence).The continually growing number of web-enabled devices is reflected in many different based solutions in industry, marketing, business, agriculture, or public management. Key technologies for 2019 are
Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, augmented reality, blockchain and Internet. The IoT and artificial intelligence will have the most influence on the pace of economic development of many nations in the next years, according to Gartner's Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2017 and 2018. Factors favorable for their absorption in corporate, consumer, and social spheres most surely include the expansion of applications based on
these technologies, tools, equipment, and devices' increasing capabilities. On the one hand, they become a factor motivating the development of new solutions resulting from their consequences; at the same time, as a specific DNA code of the digital economy, they undergo continuous processes improving their potential. Now we have some succession of new
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