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Why Performance Marketing Managers Are Vital in Digital Advertising

  Advances in technology are driving a change in healthcare that marks the digital age. Integrating the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient values, Evidence-Based Medicine is developing to leverage digital tools and data-driven techniques. The advantages of evidence-based medicine, how technology is changing it, and the possibilities and difficulties this digital revolution presents for healthcare are examined in this essay. Evidence-based medicine  is the deliberate, intentional, explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individualistic tools, data analytics, and evidence-based practice. In nations all across, digital technologies are enabling better access to and outcomes from health care. During the  epidemic, when situations needed creative means to provide health services and information, the vital importance of digital tools  has notably been clear. Through basic  messaging and interactive voice re...

Top Industries Hiring Performance Marketing Managers in the USA

People's inclination to shop online is fast growing in a time when technology and internet connectivity rule (Wirapraja & Ariwibowo, 2018). Online buying appeals to consumers in part because of factors including simplicity of access, a large range of products, and the chance for quick and effective price comparisons. Purchasing physical goods is simply one aspect of 

this phenomena; also included are services, digital entertainment, and several other conveniently available via online platforms (Rumondang et al, 2020).Survey results from the second quarter of 2022 show that the main reason Indonesian consumers choose to shop online is presumably the financial advantages given, particularly in terms of lower prices and 

several discount/cashback promos given by different e-commerce companies (Suhendra  Krisnadi, 2020). This phenomena demonstrates how mostly customers' decisions to migrate to online platforms are influenced by economic considerations. Competitive prices and different promotions not only draw consumers' attention but also enhance their inclination for 

The convenience and efficiency provided 

by online shopping, so generating market dynamics that keep changing along with changes in consumer behavior in this digital age (Setyarko, 2016).Though many Indonesian consumers oftenThis study investigates sociopolitical events in society using a qualitative methodology.In keeping with the idea stated by Anggitop & Setiawan (2018), the qualitative technique 

selected was chosen with regard for obtaining a better knowledge of the relationship between variables. Often used to explain complicated interactions between variables, chronologically organize events, and probe meaning or value that develop in the framework of society is the qualitative approach. By means of this approach, researchers can investigate and gather 

converting rates. Therefore, it is hoped that this study can offer useful direction for business people, marketers, and researchers to apply successful O2O tactics to raise consumer happiness and general sales results.Discount/cashback campaigns from online stores should be taken into account; numerous challenges could be relevant (Aisya & Urumsah, 2021). Among them is the delivery period, which is rather more than with direct purchases at 

From informants without any limitations

therefore enabling the reflection of the actual opinions and reality in the acquired data. This study guarantees that the replies acquired are thorough and accurate in line with the language and viewpoint of the informant by giving respondents chances to freely express their opinions. Because of financial advantages like lower costs and several Online-to- Offline (O2O) approaches, choosing to shop online is a creative decision in the field of marketing 

that invites online customers to experience direct shopping in physical stores. O2O links digital platforms with physical reality, therefore maximizing the benefits of both to raise general customer happiness (Choice et al, 2022). While still getting direct experience in seeing, testing, and bringing items home, consumers can enjoy the convenience of online 

shopping that is, more inexpensive prices and varied promotions—through O2O (Sarkar et al, 2021.). This approach not only caters to consumers' demand for physical participation in the buying process (Xu & Zhang, 2015) but also boosts sales growth by enlarging market share.O2O allows businesses to establish strong synergy between the digital and physical worlds (Sarkar & Dey, 20230). O2O offers a competitive edge by optimizing the possibilities 

Both by giving a complete purchasing experience

Simultaneously, this approach gives businesspeople chances to interact closely with customers and adapt to the dynamics of changes in consumer behavior (Chen et al, 2023). O2O is a clever response to opportunities and difficulties in this era of increasingly linked consumers by combining the convenience of online buying with the advantages of direct experience from physical stores (Ding & Jiang, 2014).Using an Online-to- Offline (O2O) 

approach should help to greatly raise sales conversions. By means of careful integration between online and offline channels, O2O enables businesses to utilize the capabilities of both and give customers a more complete purchasing experience (Chiang et al., 20180). This approach not only generates possibilities for engagement directly with the product but also increases conversion possibilities by avoiding hurdles that could develop in the purchasing 

process by bringing consumers from the digital world to physical stores (Savila et al, 2019).This study intends to examine some O2O strategies that company owners may apply to best combine online and offline purchasing experiences, thereby overcoming challenges that customers could encounter. This study will help to provide fresh knowledge on O2O tactics that, in the digital era can boost marketing efficiency, widen market reach, and maximize 


physical businesses. Sometimes the time-consuming shipping method is a challenge, particularly for customers who wish things right away (Febriani & Dewi, 2019). Apart from that, another disadvantage is the impossibility to view or test the objects to be bought straight-forwardly. Lack of direct experience typically makes consumers less confident, which might affect their purchase decisions (Qomariah, 2016). Direct purchases in physical locations also 

offer special benefits since customers may quickly try and view the things they desire before making a buy. This is particularly crucial when consumers wish to make sure the products fit their tastes or requirements (Hamzah et al, 2019). Then, the benefit of immediately bringing items home instead of waiting for delivery also offers rapid gratification not possible in online buying (Nuraini & Evianah, 2019). Therefore, even if economic factors are the main attraction 


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